Cottage Cheese Mini Pancakes

Cottage Cheese Mini Pancakes
Cottage Cheese Mini Pancakes are a type of bite-size pancake made from a mixture of cottage cheese, eggs, salt and flour. They are traditionally pan-fried until golden brown, but you can bake them if you want it to be healthier.These tender, pillowy and slightly sweet pancakes are perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner and you can serve them with a variety of savory or sweet toppings, like Sour Cream and Garlic Dip or Chia Seed Jam with Frozen Fruit.


Cottage Cheese / Farmer’s Cheese500 gr2 cups
Look for a cottage cheese with a low moisture content, or drain any excess liquid before using it in the recipe. Use a strainer or a colander to remove as much liquid as possible.
Rice Flour or Corn Flour, divided150 gr1 cup
You can use mix of corn and rice flour or Gluten Free Flour. The amount of flour you need depends on the amount of liquid in your cottage cheese. If you stir in the flour into your cottage cheese/egg mixture and it’s still too runny, add some more. The final mixture should be sticky but not runny in order to shape the pancakes.
Eggs2 2
Salt3 gr1/2 teaspoon
Vegetable Oil, for frying30 ml2 tbsp
You may use more or less of the listed cooking oil - use as much as needed to prevent sticking in the pan. Also, you can bake them if you want it to be healthier.

Optional Ingredients for sweet version:

5 ml/ 1 tsp Vanilla
50 gr / 1/4 cup Coconut Sugar
3 gr / ½ teaspoon Cinnamon
70 gr / ½ cup Raisins


Blender, food processor, or immersion blender, optional (read comments)


  1. Drain the cottage cheese as well as you can in a strainer or a colander.
  2. In a medium bowl combine cottage cheese (2 cups), eggs (2), salt (1 teaspoon) and rice / corn flour (1 cup). The dough should be sticky but not runny. Add some more flour if it’s too runny. Set aside for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, adding a thin layer of oil.
  4. In a bowl add some corn flour (½ cup ). Scoop a ¼ cup of cottage cheese batter and roll it in flour and shape a ball. With floured hands, tap the ball gently to remove any excess flour. Flatten them to shape into patties 1-inch thick.
  5. Fry both sides on low-medium heat until golden brown crust for about 3-4 minutes each side. Place on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  6. Serve with Sour Cream and Garlic Dip or yogurt, maple syrup or honey, any of your favorite jam (Chia Seed Jam with Frozen Fruit / Chia Seed Jam with Fresh Fruit). Enjoy!


Printed Date: 1/5/2025