Corn Pie with Spinach Filling

Corn Pie with Spinach Filling
Imagine a Corn Pie with a golden, crispy crust that crumbles delicately at the touch, revealing a luscious and creamy spinach filling within. The aroma of freshly baked cornmeal mingles with the earthy notes of spinach, creating a tantalizing scent that fills the kitchen and beckons you to indulge. As you cut into the pie, the crust gives way to reveal a vibrant green filling dotted with tender spinach leaves and pockets of melted cheese. Each bite is a harmonious blend of textures: the satisfying crunch of the crust contrasts beautifully with the smooth, velvety spinach mixture. This corn pie with spinach filling is not just a meal—it's a comforting embrace of flavors that transports you to the heart of rustic kitchens, where simple ingredients are transformed into culinary delights. Perfect for any occasion, from cozy family dinners to gatherings with friends, it promises to delight your senses and leave you craving more. Embrace the warmth and wholesomeness of homemade goodness with every bite of this irresistible corn pie with spinach filling.

Gluten Free, Low Carbs, Sugar Free, Yeast Free, Nut Free

Gluten Free
Low Carbs
Sugar Free
Dairy Free
Oil Free
Yeast Free
Egg Free
Nut Free


Fresh Spinach250 gr4 cups
Scallions1 1 bunch
Dill and Parsley1 1 bunch
Garlic, minced3 3 cloves
Egg1 1
Feta Cheese150 gr2/3 cup
Cornmeal450 gr2 1/4 cups
Oat Flour90 gr3/4 cup
Baking Powder6 gr1 teaspoon
Greek Yogurt, devided240 ml1 cup
Milk, devided360 ml1 1/2 cups
Salt and Ground Black Pepper6 gr1 teaspoon


Baking pan 10in x 13in / 26cm x 35cm


  • Corn Pie with Spinach Filling
    Prepare the Filling. Finely chop the Dill, Parsley, Green Onions, and Garlic Cloves. Place them in a bowl together with the Spinach, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt (2 tbsp), Egg, Salt, and Ground Black Pepper. Knead with your hand until well combined.

    Prepare the Filling. Finely chop the Dill, Parsley, Green Onions, and Garlic Cloves. Place them in a bowl together with the Spinach, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt (2 tbsp), Egg, Salt, and Ground Black Pepper. Knead with your hand until well combined.

  • Corn Pie with Spinach Filling
    In another bowl, mix the Cornmeal (450 gr) with the Oat Flour (90 gr) and Baking Powder, then add the Salt, the remaining Greek Yogurt, and some of the Milk (300 ml). Depending on how much the Cornmeal absorbs, you may need more or less Milk.

    In another bowl, mix the Cornmeal (450 gr) with the Oat Flour (90 gr) and Baking Powder, then add the Salt, the remaining Greek Yogurt, and some of the Milk (300 ml). Depending on how much the Cornmeal absorbs, you may need more or less Milk.

  • Corn Pie with Spinach Filling
    In a baking tray lined with parchment paper, spread ⅔ of the Cornmeal Mixture. Then add the Spinach Filling.

    In a baking tray lined with parchment paper, spread ⅔ of the Cornmeal Mixture. Then add the Spinach Filling.

  • Corn Pie with Spinach Filling
    In the remaining Cornmeal Mixture, mix the remaining Milk (60 ml) and pour it on top. Drizzle it with a little olive oil.

    In the remaining Cornmeal Mixture, mix the remaining Milk (60 ml) and pour it on top. Drizzle it with a little olive oil.

  • Corn Pie with Spinach Filling
    Place the pie in the preheated oven at 350°F (180°C) for about 50 minutes until it has nicely browned.

    Place the pie in the preheated oven at 350°F (180°C) for about 50 minutes until it has nicely browned.


  • Corn Pie with Spinach Filling

    Corn Pie with Spinach Filling

    Cornmeal has varying absorbency depending on its coarseness and how tightly it's packed when measured. Finer cornmeal tends to absorb liquids more readily than coarser varieties. Additionally, environmental factors such as humidity can affect how much liquid cornmeal absorbs during cooking or baking. Therefore, the amount of milk needed in a recipe can vary based on these factors, and adjustments may be necessary to achieve the desired consistency of the dough or batter. It's always a good practice to add liquids gradually and adjust as needed to reach the ideal texture or consistency for your recipe.

    For a corn pie batter, you typically want a texture that is smooth and pourable, similar to a thick pancake batter. Here are some characteristics to aim for when preparing the batter for a corn pie:

    1. Smooth consistency: The batter should be well-mixed and free of lumps, ensuring an even distribution of ingredients throughout.

    2. Pourable but not too runny: It should be fluid enough to easily pour into a pie dish or baking pan, spreading evenly to cover the bottom.

    3. Coats the back of a spoon: When you lift a spoon out of the batter, it should leave a thin, smooth layer that slowly drips off, indicating a good consistency for baking.

    4. Thick enough to hold shape: The batter should be thick enough to hold its shape when poured into the pan, ensuring that it forms a stable base for the pie filling.

    To achieve this texture, gradually incorporate the liquid ingredients (such as milk or water) into the dry ingredients (like cornmeal or flour) while whisking or mixing thoroughly. Start with the amount of liquid specified in your recipe, and adjust as needed to achieve the desired consistency. If the batter seems too thin, add a bit more dry ingredient; if it's too thick, add a touch more liquid.

    Ultimately, the goal is to create a batter that will bake into a firm but moist corn pie, with a cohesive structure that holds together when sliced. Adjusting the texture of the batter ensures that your corn pie will turn out just right—crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a satisfying balance of flavors and textures.

Corn Pie with Spinach Filling additional information:

When serving a pie like a corn pie or a similar dish such as pispilita, presentation and accompaniments can enhance the dining experience. Here are some suggestions on how to serve these types of pies:

  1. Slicing and Plating:

    • Allow the pie to cool slightly before slicing. This helps the filling to set and makes it easier to cut clean slices.
    • Use a sharp knife to cut the pie into wedges or squares, depending on how it was baked.
  2. Garnishes:

    • Consider garnishing each slice with fresh herbs, such as parsley or chives, to add color and freshness.
    • A sprinkle of grated cheese, such as Parmesan or feta, can complement the flavors of the pie.
  3. Side Dishes:

    • Serve the pie with a side salad dressed with a light vinaigrette to balance the richness of the dish.
    • Steamed vegetables or roasted vegetables also make excellent sides, providing additional texture and nutrients.
  4. Sauces or Condiments:

    • Offer a dollop of Greek yogurt or sour cream on the side for those who enjoy a creamy element with their pie.
    • A drizzle of balsamic glaze or a homemade tomato sauce can add a flavorful touch.
  5. Beverages:

    • Pair the pie with a refreshing beverage such as iced tea, lemonade, or a crisp white wine for adults.
  6. Presentation:

    • Arrange the slices neatly on plates, ensuring each serving looks appealing and inviting.
    • Consider using decorative serving platters or plates to enhance the presentation.

By focusing on presentation, accompaniments, and flavors, you can elevate the experience of enjoying a pie like pispilita or corn pie, making it a satisfying and memorable meal for yourself and your guests. Adjust these suggestions according to your personal preferences and the occasion.